Dry mouth is an oral condition experienced by many people when they are nervous and stressed. The condition causes a dry feeling in the mouth, along with a burning sensation in the throat, difficulty in chewing and swallowing or a dry tongue. This illness can be irritating for people who experience the condition regularly, but for others with a continuing condition caused by stress, it can grow into a serious problem.
The most important thing to keep our mouth moist and working properly is saliva. It is difficult to chew or swallow our food without the help of saliva and according to a leading research center, not having enough saliva in our mouth can lead to tooth infections and decay. Severe dry mouth can also prevent you from eating enough food, which will lead to potential undernourishment.
There are various causes of dry mouth, including the side effects from medicines or from health conditions like diabetes, which can affect the salivary glands. Chemotherapy and radiation can also reduce the amount of saliva produced in the mouth. Nerve damage to your head or neck caused from a trauma or injury can also lead to dry mouth. If you think that you are experiencing dry mouth over a long period of time, there are a number of remedies available to overcome the situation or you can visit advanced dental specialists to treat the condition.
If your dry mouth is caused by a medicine you are taking for other health issues, you should visit your doctor to have your prescription changed to the one that does not affect the saliva production in your mouth. Your family dentist or doctor can give you a prescription for medicine that can increase the effectiveness of your salivary glands or any other remedy to help manage the condition.
In addition, you can help manage your condition by drinking water regularly or chewing gum. It is also suggested to avoid drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea or soda. If you have the habit of consuming alcohol and tobacco, you have to stop, as all these can dry your mouth and make the condition worse. Another most used method for this oral condition is using an alcohol free oral rinse before you go to bed. If you have sever symptoms or have the condition from a long time, consult your family dentist who can help you to overcome the illness.
If you are suffering from oral problems and looking for the best dental clinic, visit Asana Dental. All our dentists have the skill and training to perform all kinds of dental procedures.
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