Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Impact Of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to grow in the mouth. The growth is experienced around the end of an individual’s adolescent years. The growth of wisdom teeth can create complications. So depending on the situation, your family dentist will suggest the removal of wisdom teeth.

When you start to experience pain or pressure in the rear part of your mouth, it is a sign of wisdom teeth. These teeth generally come out when people are between 16 to 30 years old. Since most of the jaws are not big enough to accommodate additional set of teeth, there is often pain and pressure created with the growing teeth.

The process of these teeth trying to emerge out of the gums may cause the adjacent teeth to become misaligned. Pressure from the emerging teeth may push against the surrounding teeth causing crooked teeth and jaw soreness. Neck pain and ear pain may be experienced as a result of pressure build up. Teeth and jaw misalignment may occur due to the pressure caused by wisdom teeth. When this occurs you need to visit orthodontists to get the problem corrected.

A way to tell if you are getting wisdom teeth is by visiting a dental expert or going for professional x-rays. During your regular dental visits, x-rays will determine if they are emerging or not. Dentists will examine your teeth and jaw structure and determine if these teeth cause complications or not. Sometimes the wisdom teeth grow in different angles causing sever pain and difficulties. That is why you have to visit your family dentist regularly to prevent these kind of complications.

Even if you are not experiencing any symptoms, ear pain, headaches, neck pain, throat pain and impact in upper and lower teeth can occur if the impacted wisdom teeth are not extracted. In some cases, cysts can also develop around the impacted wisdom teeth. The sac around the developing wisdom teeth may remain when the teeth are effected. The sac can fill with fluid and become a cyst, damaging the bone surrounding the molars. If the cyst is not treated, tumor can form and more complicated treatment may be required for extraction.

If you are facing problems with your wisdom teeth, visit Asana Dental. Our dentists have years of training and experience to perform various dental procedures.

To book an appointment, check our website

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